Our awesome blog

  • This is the Remix…

    This is the Remix…

     Gaming…   Hello everyone and welcome to our website. Prior to us restructuring, we were known as Shadow Pack Gaming. Shadow Pack Gaming was a content creation team formed at the height of the covid-19 pandemic here in the states. Everyone was at home or worked remotely and turned to Twitch, YouTube or other streaming…

  • Howl-outs 5.25

    So I missed last week for giving some highlights of the previous week for team members due to just being super busy. But I’m back this week and instead of calling them shout-outs I’m sticking with the Shadow Pack theme and calling them howl-outs. Let’s see what we have to check out. Before starting though…

  • Incubus: Live

    I’ve seen quite a few concerts in my day, starting when I was a kid and continuing on into the years. I won’t give away my age exactly, but it’s been quite a journey. Last night I got to add a new band to the list of bands that I’ve seen (and can actually remember),…

  • You’re engaged, now what?

    By: PinkPenguin1988 The day has finally come, your partner has finally proposed the idea of spending their life with you and put a ring on that finger, and you said Yes!! Your next thought Might Just be ok there’s a million things to do, what do I do now to get ready for this glorious…

  • The past week in Shadow Pack Gaming

    The past week in Shadow Pack Gaming

    I’m going to keep the intro short and sweet. This here is a highlight of the members for the past week, what they’ve been up to, and where you can find them. This is not in any particular order. Twitch links for each person will just be “Twitch” with their link attached to it. Like…

  • Imagination as an Adult

    Rekindling our spark in a world that insists on growing up

  • Seal Team

    I don’t know if it’s because I’m older, because I’m married and have kids now, or what but there are parts that just get me right in the feels every time.

  • Hi-Fi Rush: An awesome Rhythm game with a major flaw for some.

    Hi-Fi Rush: An awesome Rhythm game with a major flaw for some.

    I took a crack at Hi-Fi Rush, the game’s animation and voice acting are out of this world!

  • Planning a road trip: Impossible or not?

                                    BY: PinkPenguin1988 I can already say that 2024 is going to be one of the most amazing years of my life, not only am I getting married to my best friend and partner, but we are planning the most amazing road trip for our honey moon and I can’t wait but is it impossible…

  • If Rain Is What You Want

    Maybe if you can’t speak your mind, just close your eyes and live vicariously through your imagination, instead of being just another rat stuck in a tunnel in the dark.

  • Scrubbin’ Clean

    Scrubbin’ Clean

    I remember when I first started seeing those ads pop up on social media. As if they weren’t enough to pique my interest, I was also starting to get very tired of how any liquid soap I tried would break out my skin.