This is the Remix…



  Hello everyone and welcome to our website. Prior to us restructuring, we were known as Shadow Pack Gaming. Shadow Pack Gaming was a content creation team formed at the height of the covid-19 pandemic here in the states. Everyone was at home or worked remotely and turned to Twitch, YouTube or other streaming services for entertainment. At its peak we had upwards of 35 active team members and close to 100 active community members.  Those numbers may not seem large but for us it represented our collective hard work.

     Fast forward 3 years, in the post pandemic era, everyone’s priorities have changed. Employers are now requiring their employees to report back to the office. People are trying to make up for lost time. They’re spending more time with family and friends, taking more trips and just being outside more. Viewership started to decline and team members moved on. Since everyone was out and about more, our community wasn’t as active. Creators started to realize that in order to be successful they would have to put in full-time effort and they just couldn’t commit the time. Many other factors contributed as well but basically our world changed.

The Announcement…

     In September 2023 it was announced by leadership that SPG would be shutting down it’s Discord server. When I saw the announcement I was caught by surprise. SPG was more than a content creation community to me. It represented a dream I had put off when I had my son at 23. Being a part of this community meant I was still chasing that dream regardless of how busy my life got. It meant that I never broke the promise to myself and that I would continue to pursue my creativity in whatever form that took. SPG had gone through many changes and came to its conclusion. As the world changed many of our members got swept into that change and needed to switch their priorities. As sad as it was, I completely understood.

What happened next…

     A few days passed and it kept bugging me. I had put a lot of my content creating energy into Shadow Pack Gaming and as a founding member I couldn’t just walk away. I talked to my wife about what was going on and wanted to see what she thought. She knew exactly how much it meant to me and supported me into what was going to happen next. I had pitched an idea to keep the legacy going. I didn’t know exactly how I was going to do it but what I did know was I couldn’t just let SPG die.

Shadow Pack is heading West…

In year one of Shadow Pack Gaming we had a meeting in which we talked about getting so big we may have to break off into regions. Very similar to the PAX gaming conventions. Since I’m based in California, naturally I’m in western region, thus creating the Shadow Pack West name. Shadow Pack West is going back to the basics. We started off as a collaborative group working together to build an audience, while learning about the industry and it’s best practices. Now we’re going back to basics but this time with the knowledge the last 3 years has brought us. We’re taking what we have learned and combining it with our passion to bring you thoughtful, engaging and exceptional content.

Creating for Creation Sake…

Art for Art sake, isn’t that how the saying goes? Everyone on the team brings a unique skill set that will enhance the all around experience but the one thing we all have in common is our passion to create content. With life as crazy as it is these days, art had been in the decline. Even so each of us has made it a point to continue to create regardless of circumstance. We create for the sake of creating, WE LOVE IT!!

So come join us on our journey forward. If you enjoyed the content creation SPG was creating, I guarantee you’ll love the remix.

~ Sean Flac 2.0

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