Server Status


Yes I have been on a hiatus from pretty much any content creation for a little bit now, but for a very good reason. I have been working on building up my own media server! Why would I waste my time doing that? Well it’s simple really. There’s actually probably a couple good reasons.

First, I have kids. I also have a collection of DVDs and Blu Rays that I don’t even have a player for anymore. The last game console I bought doesn’t even have a disk drive in it. Even if it did, it would be too inconvenient for me to disconnect it from where it is and take it to where the kids would be able to use it. This way I can back up everything I have to a hard drive. Then I can watch it from any device in the house that can connect to my network. If the internet was to go out for some reason, as it occasionally does, I still have access to these movies and shows that I already own.

Second, even if the internet is working but I’m not at home I can still have access to all of it! I call that a win-win. As long as I have internet I can watch any of it. More importantly I have something to occupy my kids on long car rides.

Lastly though, the best reason (for me personally) was that I had fun setting this up. I was completely new to everything I was doing, but I got it set up and going none-the-less. It will continue to be a learning process, even though I now have it set up and running, there will always be more things I can do to with it. Also, in doing this I have learned a few things. Things that may be useful to me one day if I ever decide to set up a game server!

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